Friday, September 2, 2011

Growing up

I can't believe September is here....with that brings more new adventures for my family.  Aiden will start playing soccer next Saturday and begins Pre-K next Wednesday, through the YMCA.  Chris and I were hesitant about sending him to a different location this year, but finally agreed that it was the best placement, if for the sole reason that there will be swim lessons.  We have had him in 4 swim classes in the past 6 months and the only thing we can say with ease is that he has become comfortable enough to swim alone after about 15 minutes of coaxing on the steps or in the shallow end (with a bubble around him).  He still has a major, major fear about jumping in.  My anxiety always sets in when I see him begin to tighten up on the pool deck, and refuse to jump.  Chris, a past record holding swimmer (and that mentioned record is still held at his high school!), struggles each time he watches Aiden resist.  We just want him to be comfortable in the water, and know how to swim.  If it develops into something more, than we will be happy with that as well. 
Thankfully, his school offers swimming as part of the curriculum, each Monday.  While we are sad to not be there each week to watch his accomplishments, maybe if we are not there "watching" him, it might help him to become more confident. 
My baby is growing up.  Thinking about him going to school, swimming on his own, meeting new friends, makes me sad.  I can't believe he will be kindergarten next year.  Time goes so fast, and I try to cherish each moment as best I can.  I do admit though, he needs to go back to school.  He needs that socialization, so our dinner conversations will be more interesting than those we have had in the recent weeks.  He needs that structure, so I can have more structure again.  He needs friends his own age, so that he isn't constantly fighting with his sister.  He needs his time away from me, so that I can cherish the moments I have with him more.

I will add in a Friday Funny ~ since I have slacked the last few weeks.  I mentioned to him the other day how big he was getting, and he said "Mommy, don't worry, I won't ever leave you so you don't need to worry about that.  Even when I get married, I will never leave you".  OH BOY!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


For the past 14 years, I have always wished for the summer to fly by.  First comes that dreaded day in June.  Then a day in Mid July.  August waits until almost the end to approach.  Father's Day, his birthday, his anniversary.  When I was a freshman in college, sometime after the new year, my dad began experiencing pain in his back.  After countless tests, visits to doctors, second & third opinions and time in the hospital, I was given the horrible news while home on spring break.  It's cancer.  NO!  There is no way!  I didn't even want to go away to college to begin with, and was homesick from the time I left that hot day in August, and this would complicate matters even more.  I remember telling my parents that I would not be going back there.  Absolutely not!  I needed to be there for them and my brother.  My brother, he was only a freshman in high school...he should not have to deal with this.  They requested that I finish out freshman year, as it was only about another month and a half, and we could discuss options when I moved back home.  I agreed after many tears, but thinking about the lectures, studying, finals, made me nauseous.  I honestly don't know how I completed the semester.  The doctors gave a poor prognosis, saying most likely it would only take months.  When I thought months, I wasn't thinking 4 months!  Today is 14 years since that dreadful day that we lost him.  I love you Dad.

For the past 5 years, Chris's parents have owned a place outside of Sea Isle, giving me a sort of solace from the "real world" of emotions.  Now I can say that I don't dislike the summers as much, because seeing my children create their own memories helps me to build on my own.  

I wish...
I wish I spent more time with him that summer, instead of always fleeing to my friend's houses for solace.
I wish I talked to him more about his fears.
I wish my mom didn't have to bury her husband so young.
I wish my grandmother didn't have to watch her son suffer.
I wish he was the one who taught my brother how to drive.
I wish he saw my brother graduate from high school, and the both of us from college.
I wish my cousins got to know him.
I wish Chris, my in-laws and family got to meet him.
I wish Chris was able to ask him for permission to marry me. 
I wish he walked me down the aisle (although, I am grateful for my uncles and brother who filled in perfectly!)
I wish I felt his hug when we announced our pregnancies.
I wish he was part of the celebration when Aiden and Raegan were welcomed into the world.
I wish he held my babies the way only grandparents do.
I wish Aiden could learn how to golf from an "almost" pro.
I wish Raegan could have tea parties with her Pape.
I wish he was at every party, get together and family dinner.
I wish...I wish...I wish...

Aiden has his eyes, thankfully, so if only in one way, my wish did come true...he is here, every day.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Funnies

To preface these next two "funnies" courtesy of Aiden, we live in a townhouse development.  Aiden's room is on the front side of the house.  Even when it's gorgeous outside, I tend to keep his windows shut.  The first reason ~ security, yes, I am so paranoid that someone would sneak into his window and scoop him up...ok, so his room is 3 stories high, but still, ladders can extend that high.  The other reason, well, keep on reading.......
One spring day, while he was attempting to nap and when I still had a monitor on in his room, I hear some rustling around through the receiver.  I then hear "Hey lady, don't walk on our sidewalk!" very loudly through the monitor.  So I can only imagine how loud it was coming from a window.  I go upstairs, open his door and ever so nicely ask him to please refrain from yelling out of his window.  Embarrassed and hoping "the lady" didn't stop and write our house number down for some reason, I go back to my household duties.  Not 5 minutes later, I hear something else.  This time, it's a bloodcurdling yell.  "HELP ME, SOMEONE HELP ME!"  I wonder to myself why he is doing this, as I tripped trying to get up the 2 flights of steps, open his door more forcefully and sit down on his bed next to him.  "Aiden, you can NOT scream out your window".  "Mommy, why not?  I am just trying to make some friends".  "Buddy, we can go to the playground and try to meet some friends if you want".  Bless his 3 year old heart.  Thankfully, our neighborhood is full of children, so I only hope that my son is not the only one screaming crazies during nap time.  I prayed and prayed the remainder of that afternoon and night that a car topped with sirens didn't pull into my driveway, and happily my prayers were answered.  Needless to say, he has never done anything like that again.  Now, he will just stand at the various windows, wave and say hi to ANYONE walking by.  More serious stranger discussion in our near future, I believe so.  He also has asked me earlier this week "Mommy, why is a cab in our neighborhood? We aren't a city!" Out of the mouths of babes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Instant Bonds

I was blessed to become a big sister at the age of 3 (A post for another day).  My brother, Trevor, and I have always been as close as any sibling should be, of course with the fights that come along with sibling rivalry.  We grew up with 3 male cousins, and at every holiday event, I would wish that I somehow would not be the only girl in the "group" by the next holiday.  When I was in 10th grade and 15 years old,  my wish was granted.  My uncle (my dad's younger brother) and aunt, became parents to a beautiful baby girl named Rachel.  It was love at first sight.  I wanted to be with her all of the time and even though we lived 15 minutes away from each other, I was at their house more often that my aunt and uncle probably had liked.  The summer that I graduated from high school, I received the wish again.  Rachel became a big sister to a beautiful baby girl named Amanda.  As I was asked to be her godmother, the emotions poured out.  I had been the flower girl in my uncle and aunt's wedding, and now they were asking me to hold this ever important role in their daughter's life.  I spent a lot of time at their house (surprise surprise!) that summer, as I was going off to college, 2 hours away, that August.  I was upset leaving for many reasons.  Not being a short car ride away really had me worried that they wouldn't remember me when I came home for breaks and that I would miss the ever changing physical appearances that accompany childhood.  My aunt made sure that didn't happen.  She sent me pictures to hang in my dorm room almost weekly, and I came home soon after I first left, for Amanda's Baptism.  As the year away went on, slowly, thankfully I was home more than I expected, not just on breaks, and I would always make time to visit them.
I remember when the girls were attending Catholic school, the same school that Trevor and I attended, there were always parents of their friends who would make comments about how neat it was that the girls had a cousin willing to drop everything for them, and be at every event they participated in.  Times have not changed, I would still drop everything for them!  As the years passed, we developed our own traditions with each other...trick or treating in their neighborhood, arriving bright and early to watch them open their Christmas gifts, Easter egg hunts at our mom-mom's, and every little occasion in between that didn't need a holiday to mark it's special memory.  Chris became very close to them once we began dating, which meant the world to me.  He still, to this day, calls them his "little sisters". 
Fast forward 11 years and the instant bonds surfaced again, this time when Aiden was born.  Aiden loves both of them equally but has shared the love of sports with Amanda since I can remember.  When Raegan was born, Rachel hoped "she would be her favorite", and I would say that Rachel got her wish.  Kind of find it ironic, that we chose names for our kids with the same first initials as both girls.  That was not planned, but I have to say my subconscious may have played a part.  They have special names for both of the girls, Rachel is "Yay-Yay" and Amanda is "Manna".  I have caught Aiden callling both by their "real" names recently, and it tugs at my heart a bit...making me realize that he is growing up.  The circle continues, as on Christmas morning we are still all together, except our house is the host and my kids are the ones opening their gifts.  I only hope that the relationships they have created continue as the years pass...I feel as though I am looking through a mirror, when the bond began on a COLD November day almost 18 years ago.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Funnies

Aiden has always had a very good sense of humor, so Friday's will be dedicated to his many pieces of advice, comments, and everything in between.

We were discussing dinner plans for tonight earlier today, and just as I logged in to begin this post, he said "You know what's good about eating out, not cleaning ANY DISHES!"  This is true, buddy, very true.
I began writing his "funnies" down months ago, and one that always makes me laugh when rereading, has to do with the fact that Chris and I both have phones with an apple as it's logo.  "Mom, did you and Daddy get your phones from (insert the restaurant with an apple in it's name)?" 
No, we don't eat out often....the restaurant "mentioned" above is seen when we travel many places and he used to ask what it was called.
Comedian in his future?  Too soon to tell.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Back in January, Chris and I began contemplating the idea of a trip to Walt Disney World.  We reminisced about the measly but amazing 4 days we spent there the year before we got engaged.  We traveled with my mom, brother and my mom's best friend and her family.  We did a few vacations with them in the past, and thought it would be something for the memory books.  Touring through all of the different parks, I remember thinking to myself, how I couldn't wait until I could bring my own family back here ~ the Most Magical Place on Earth ~ in the future.  Well, here we are...8 years in the future.  Chris suggested that we invite all of our "immediate" family, parents and siblings, which I immediately agreed to.  My mom was on board the second we asked her.  Chris's parents wanted to say yes right away, however couldn't.  Our siblings have good reasons that this time they have to pass, but we anxiously await the next time, when all of the family can be together.  After we booked, and the agent mailed us our packet on Raegan's 1st birthday, the excitement began to build even more.  It wasn't until mid May, when Chris's parents were able to jump on board.  We will be split between 2 resorts, but have agreed to meet at the parks each morning.  Having our 3 parents with us, to experience the wonder through our children's eyes, is something I have always dreamed of. 
We have elected to keep the vacation a secret from the kids.  We will surprise them the afternoon we are flying down (well, ok, mainly Aiden since we have been whispering to Raegan things about the trip).  On an amazing personalized website, I found Mickey and Minnie ear t shirts that you personalize with initials.  Chris will ask the kids to put their shirts on, while I am videotaping their reaction.  Then off to the airport.  Stay tuned for the video! 
When on shopping excursions, conveniently I seemed to find a Disney themed t-shirt for one or both of them.  Our bank account is thankful that the kids outfits are complete, now having one for each day we are there, plus a few extras.
A dress for Raegan when we eat lunch at the Castle - check.
Halloween costumes for the kids for the Halloween Party - check.
Sweatshirts for both on the rare nights when there is a chill in the air - check.
A few small "souvenirs" that will be "left" by a character on the kids pillows while we are at a park - check.
We have 51 days until we leave.  I want the summer to slow down, so I have something to look forward to.  I want the summer to speed up, so the memories can begin =)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jumping in...

Here I am, entering into the world of blogging.  Well, I shouldn't say that.  I have a blog for my business, but I wanted to do something for myself that I will have to look back on years from now, to show my kids about their every day happenings and adventures, and for my sanity.  I met the man of my dreams, Chris, when we were both students at West Chester University in West Chester, PA.  After a few years of a friendship and experiencing every emotion possible that accompanied the attacks of September 11th, 2001, I realized that I wanted more.  We became a couple on September 14th, 2001.  We married on May 14th, 2005 and have since welcomed the two most amazing children.  Aiden, 4, is the typical boy who loves everything about sports and Raegan, 1, is becoming more of a "girly girl" as each day passes.  I graduated college with a degree in Psychology and am very thankful to have used that degree for my first 4 years in the work force.  Unfortunately, I suffered major burnout and moved on to a job in insurance that I enjoyed at the time...following in the footsteps of my mother, who only ever had a job at the same insurance company for 30 + years.  The office closed abruptly after my maternity leave ended last May, and Chris and I were left deciding what to do.  I have been a stay at home mom ever since, loving every minute and have many stories to share.
I have also had a love of photography for as long as I can remember and I jumped feet first into my own business about 2 years ago.  I photograph everything from pets to newborns to weddings and everything in between.
I love Philadelphia sports, but baseball is my ultimate favorite and I am not a fair weather fan.  Music is an outlet for me, all kinds, but country and the 80's are always the preferred.  I have forever been engrossed with books and I just recently purchased a reader tablet.  I do love it, but to be honest, I miss the turning of paper once in awhile.
I love fall and spring, and only LIKE winter and summer, mainly because of the dramatic temperature changes.  I am not too picky with foods and love me a good dessert...I wish I could travel more, as I believe seeing the world is crucial.  Aruba and Spain have been my two most favorite vacations to date, but hoping for many more to write about.
I am lucky to say that my family and friends mean the world to me.  The relationships that I have with each and every one is so important.  My mom is my hero and my mother in law and father in law are both amazing. I adore ALL of my siblings, whether through blood or law, as they are amazing role models for my children.  I have a very close circle of friends, that I wouldn't change for the world, and love that all of our children are becoming each other's friends.  (These will most definitely be subjects in future posts). 
I used to faithfully follow many, many blogs daily, but I have slacked since staying at home.  The ones that I can say I still follow obsessively, are read for motherly suggestions, help, humor and simply because I LOVE reading each post.  Feel free to read and comment as you wish, as I hope that I can continue the trend as a blog writer and provide for you and all of the other blog readers.